Sunday, December 29, 2019

Questions On Writing And Writing - 1004 Words

Writing, the source many individuals use the majority of their lives. Writing gives us the source to record and problem solve on a piece of paper. Along with writing comes thinking, a source that constantly goes on in a person’s mind. The thoughts that go through our heads put us where we stand today, thinking of new ideas and putting thoughts into action. Everyone has their own style of writing and thinking, and gives us each a unique perspective of life. I have interviewed Andre Stribling as a source of example about his thinking and writing lifestyle. The 24 year old has a wife and three boys. Andre has also served in the Navy for 5 years. Tattoos surround Andre’s body, each representing something meaningful. The one on his left arm was a Polynesian turtle which represented his wife because she loved turtles. Andre’s right arm has hands and a rosary which represents his religion. The last tattoo intrigued me; it was a dragon between his shoulder blades holding 9 planets with his first son’s name in the center. â€Å"My son means the world to me† (Andre). Talking with Andre I found a subject that he had interest in, which was History. From small details about Andre, I have found him distinct in his own way. Interviewing Andre allowed me to learn a background about his writing and thinking skills and technique. Like an exceedingly amount of college students, Andre only feels the need to write when assigned; he writes in his sociology and English class majority ofShow MoreRelatedQuestions On Writing And Writing1400 Words   |  6 Pages When writing, it is important to submit a paper that is both grammatically correct and punctually error free. This is important for two reasons. First, the inattention to detail in your writing may signal to the reader that you are inattentive in matters that are more important. Secondly, â€Å"you risk not only distracting readers from your message but also undermining your authority to del iver the message in the first place.† The Comma Splice The comma splice, or run on sentence, may be the mostRead MoreQuestions On Writing And Writing2151 Words   |  9 Pageswrite proper essays. Once I saw that I would be writing to share experiences (Christmas tradition), writing to inform (biographical sketch), and writing to analyze (visual analysis) the class seemed easier. I thought this class would be a piece of cake! Unfortunately, I knew little of all the goals and expectations that would be needed from me! However, it was a pleasant surprise. I have never realized all the different types of writing, and how each writing area contains its own audience, purpose, genreRead MoreQuestions On Writing And Writing2021 Words   |  9 Pagesbeing ready for 3rd grade. But...these kids are really getting on my nerves. I need help all you behavior gurus in PT Land. These 4 or 5 boys are ruining a lot of great experiences for the rest of the class. Feel free to say what you think or ask questions. I have taken away recess, talked to paren ts, taken kids aside and discussed expectations and consequences, taken kid away from rest of group to be by himself for short periods of time, all kinds of negative interactions with these kids. I get itRead MoreQuestions On Writing And Writing Anxiety Essay2294 Words   |  10 Pages2.1.4 FL Anxiety in the Writing Skill According to experts, (Burgoon Hale, 1983a, 1983b ; Daly Wilson, 1983 ; Stafford Daly, 1984) when students are anxious while writing, this known as : writing apprehension. This latter, is regarded as a distinct form of anxiety, unique to written communication (Cheng, Horwitz, and Schallert, 1999, p.418). Again, the same researchers documented a significant negative relationship between anxiety and L2 achievement in writing courses. (ibid, p.418). In factRead MoreQuestions On Writing 875 Words   |  4 PagesKarson Cage Ms. Davis ENC 1101 16 Oct. 2015 How to Lie to Everyone, Including Yourself Almost every teenager has broken their curfew once or twice in such a way that they find themselves needing a wild story in a fruitless attempt to soothe an apoplectic parent. What can they say that doesn’t make it look like they didn’t blatantly forget or weren’t partying so hard they barely noticed the numbers on the clock saying it was well past the time to go home? While the poor rule-breaking teen continuesRead MoreQuestions On Reading And Writing1203 Words   |  5 PagesAnonymous I used to loathe reading and writing. I still do. There is however, a difference between my feelings regarding reading and writing in my past compared to my feelings now. I didn’t know who I was or what my thoughts were on many subjects. I also had trouble connecting with the stories I was reading. The main turning point in my attitude towards reading was in my ninth grade English class. My teacher, Mrs. Schultz, taught me, or maybe I finally decided to listen, and I found a deeperRead MoreQuestions On Writing An Essay Essay9089 Words   |  37 Pageswriter. You have written plenty of essays in high school. Yet, for some reason, you still can t see to get an A on an essay. You have the basics of writing down, so what more can you do? Here are some more advanced advice to spice up your essays, and earn you that A! How to Write a College Essay: Address the Opposition Read any book about writing an essay, and you will be told to address the opposition. Acknowledging th at your thesis can be argued may seem like it would hinder your essay, butRead MoreApa Questions On Apa Writing1242 Words   |  5 Pagesstill has other differences compared to MLA that will explain in this paper. When writing in APA format you want to make sure that you follow the step below on how to create a proper APA formatted paper. APA formatting is the main format for liberal studies majors, and it is important for you to know how to correctly write in it so you can have a structured and professional paper. General Information on APA In APA writing you want to make sure you follow all of the steps that are necessary, and thisRead MoreQuestions On Start Writing Papers736 Words   |  3 PagesMontgomery Inman 11--15 P. 7-8 How to: Procrastinate Writing Papers Every week I have the same routine for projects or tests. I get assigned one of those dreaded assignments, and everyday I think about how important it is. Even if it’s extremely important, I can’t bring myself to do it. Then the day before its due I get a panicky feeling in my stomach and try to do it in a couple of hours, when I should ve spent a couple of days working on it. This is called being a procrastinator. One of the mostRead MoreQuestions On Scientific Writing Skills705 Words   |  3 PagesMedsci 204 Assignment 1: Scientific Writing Skills Part A: Introduction The drug chosen is named Zopiclone. Zopiclone was initially developed and presented in 1986 by Rhà ´ne-Poulenc SA, one of the major worldwide drug manufacturers.1 More specifically, Zopiclone is also classified as nonbenzodiazepine hypnotic, belongs to the pyrazolopyrimidine class and is advised for short-period treatment of insomnia.2 Overall, medicines helping patients to sleep well are very likely to result in detrimental side

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Risk Assessment For A Fictional Enterprise - 2970 Words

Risk Assessment for a fictional enterprise Part-1 First i would like to introduce briefly about the concept of Risk assessment and then about the Threat for the vulnerabilities . Risk Assessment Introduction :- Risk Assessment can be determined as two values of risk . Quantitative value of risk and Qualitative value of risk. And these are related to a particular situation and a recognized threat . The quantitative value of risk is measured by calculating two values i.e components of risk which is denoted by letter R . First the magnitude of the potential loss denoted by L and probability denoted by P that the loss will occur . The risk that which can be tolerated and understood is called†¦show more content†¦The organization we are considering in this paper to analyze the risk assessment is a medical practice with an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) that we will call â€Å"Medco† containing patient information . It is needed on 24/7 basis as this is a cardiology specialty and is used in clinic rooms AND importantly, it is used by emergency physicians in the local trauma center for treatment of patients suffering from life threatening heart issue.This requires a WAN connection to be made available 24 hours a day. Electronic Medical Record (EMR) :- EMR contains standard medical,clinical data gathered provider’s office. It go beyond the data collected in the provider’s office and include a more comprehensive patient history. They areShow MoreRelatedCMGT556 Week 1 Individual Assigment Essay754 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿ Artificial Intelligence Vita Olmsted CMGT/556 - Enterprise Models June 24, 2014 Jeffrey McDonough Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the branch of computer science, which concentrates on the intelligence of machines, and involves applying the principles of reasoning, knowledge planning, learning, communication, perception, and controlling objects to emulate the human brain. The most recognizable AI application is robotics from Hollywood cinema, and includes films suchRead MoreRisk Assessment For A Made Up Enterprise1829 Words   |  8 Pagesthe report proposes the risk assessment for a made-up enterprise. The analysis made with reference to the threats and vulnerabilities associated to the electronics medical records information and the data centers situated in the centralized server room. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

The Portrayal of Strong, Ethnic Females in Literature free essay sample

This paper discusses the portrayal of strong, ethnic females in twentieth-century literature. This paper uses the characters of Janie from Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston and Rigoberta Menchu, from her autobiography, I, Rigoberta Menchu, An Indian Woman in Guatemala, to discuss the portrayal of strong, ethnic females in literature. The protagonist in Their Eyes decides to thwart conventional thinking and strike out on her own, seeking approval from herself. Janie decides that she is not content with a loveless marriage. She internally feels that the only true way to live is to live a life filled with love. Disenchanted with her state of affairs, she seeks confirmation of the voice and vision (Hurston 15) and wants to find the acknowledged answers (Hurston 16) to the questions she has inside. The decision to not be satisfied with status quo definitely aids Janie in the exploration of her purpose on earth. We will write a custom essay sample on The Portrayal of Strong, Ethnic Females in Literature or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Rigoberta too has a decision to make that will transform her life.